Water chemistry


Fish Fanatic
Feb 10, 2020
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Hi, I was hoping someone with more brains then me can basically tell me what kind of water I have?
I've been out of tropical fishkeeping for a while now as I decided to start a saltwater tank. When I 1st started a freshwater tank a few year back it was for my daughter, to start with. I quickly learned from this forum that i basically knew nothing and had to learn from scratch as I had took advice from a local chain pet store, big no no.
I'm sure this topic came up the last time but I was reading a thread on here last night and just basically need a refresher lol. I have found my local water quality report and was hoping someone could basically tell me what kind of water I have. I believe its soft eventhough it's reported as hard? I could be totally wrong. Tia


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It isn't a matter of brains, but of background. Maybe a chemist will have something to say. As a non chemist, that looks like good, up the middle water to me. You probably won't breed many rainforest fish in it, but they will live well in it.
Thanks, I'm certainly not planning on breeding.
Last time I got into fishkeeping I ended up with 4 tanks running in the end, not a lot for some on here, I know, but it just got to be too much.
I'm just planning on a single male betta, just wanted to make sure the water would be suitable. Thanks again
The German Degrees Hardness there, you will see it is 7.52, that is what we call General Hardness. What type of fish would you like to have? Your water is soft, yes. Not very soft, but soft (in terms of keeping fish), the actual water companies sometimes have different way of describing soft/hard but that's with humans in mind, not fish.

It's good for a Betta.
7.52 German Degrees is 134ppm Hardness, in case you need that, as some fish websites will quote GH as ppm.
The German Degrees Hardness there, you will see it is 7.52, that is what we call General Hardness. What type of fish would you like to have? Your water is soft, yes. Not very soft, but soft (in terms of keeping fish), the actual water companies sometimes have different way of describing soft/hard but that's with humans in mind, not fish.

It's good for a Betta.
Yeah, a betta is all I'm planning at the moment, until I get the bug again lol.

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