Water Chemistry


New Member
Mar 15, 2004
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Hello everyone

Can anyone please help me. I have just brought a new 60 x 30 63L Tropical Fish tank I have filled it up with dechlorinated water and left it for one week with everything running (fluval 2 filter heater and air stone) I then added 3 Zebra Danios. The danios have been in the tank for 4 days now and look happy so far. On the 4th day after adding the fish the water chemistry is this :

Temp 25c

Ammonia 0.0 MG/L

Nitrite 0.1 MG/L

Nitrate 12.5 MG/L

Is this correct as i thought that the ammonia should be present by now indicating that the biological cycle has started. I am new to keeping tropical fish so thanks to anyone who can help me on this.

Ozric :dunno:

ps what is the process of the cycle and how long does it take if the figures above are not correct.
Did you add any commercial bacteria product? How about this dechlorinated water - if you added some water conditioner that bind e.g. amines, it could bind ammonia/ammonium too. And probably you cant see it when testing water.

If you live in USA, try to find commercial bacteria product, that contains nitrospira -bacteria. Recent studies have shown that e.g. nitrobacter -bacteria aren't actually "the bacteria" which oxidize nitrogen-compound to another, but more important is nitrospira family. Anyway... I don't remember the name of that product. (BioSpira?) But it contains bacteria and help to start cycle in tank.

Because you didn't cycle your tank first, it's now important to watch ammonia level if pH is over 7. Ammonia is very, very toxic to fishes. Check nitrites too. If some of them appears, you need to change water. Ammonia easily burns gills and nitrite causes higher amount metahemoglobin, and fish may die. And because you have already fishes in your tank, I recommend to buy some bacteria product - product that contain bacteria too, e.g. "BioSpira(?)", Sera Nitirivec...

what is the process of the cycle and how long does it take if the figures above are not correct.

Ammonia, organic compounds... are oxidized first to nitrite and then to nitrate.

NH3 -> NO2- -> NO3- (-> sometimes continues forward)

NH3 is very toxic, NO2- is toxic too. But nitrates (NO3-) fish tolerates much better. Usually it takes from 2 to 4 weeks and it depends on do you use any commercial bacteria product, how much you have nitrification bacteria in your tank etc. Those bacteria increase their mass very slowly and they must get food all time - otherwise they won't grow.
Thanks for your reply so quickly

The only thing added to the water was the Nutrafin Aqua plus and some Nutrafin Plant grow for my java fern (microsorium pteropus)
I didnt add any commercial bacteria product because i wanted to cycle the tank naturally as i heard the tank is more stable in the long run. I take it from your reply that my tank hasn't yet started to cycle is this normal and are the levels going to hurt my fish as i havent done any water changes as yet.

Thanks Ozric
Hi Ozric :)

This is the product that MrV was talking about. It is real bacteria, not just a product like Cycle that is said to help the tank cycle.


I've heard good things about Bio-Spira. It can be purchased at most good lfs, but since it must be kept refrigerated, you will have to ask for it.

I will be moving this thread to the Beginners Questions section of the forum. You are welcome to post another thread in the Newbie forum to introduce yourself. :D

And BTW, :hi: to the forum!
Thanks inchworm

but will Bio-Spira cause any stability problems in the long run? and do you think i should do a water change based on my water reslts

Thanks Ozric
Nowadays tanks are cycled without fishes, because it's widely known that ammonia and nitrite are toxic to fishes. It doesn't affect "stability" of tank how you cycle it, because they are same bacteria still. But when cycling tank without fishes, fishes don't need to suffer harmful substances.

By the way, what is your pH and does your ammonia-test reacts with NH4+ too?

Edit. I have to add, that nitrospira -bacteria oxidize nitrite to nitrate. You still need nitrosomonas -bacteria to get rid of ammonia. I don't know does any commercial product contain that family at all. You can also take handfull of soil from flower pot (preferably from flower pot where isn't any fertilizers) and put in a pail. Add water, mix it and let soil to sink. Add that water to your tank (soil contains same nitrification bacteria too). But don't add too much, if you have use fertilizers!!
Bio Spira would definately help. You are supposed to be able to add your full load of fish with Bio Spira with no problems as long as you follow the instructions. If you have more than necessary, either put it all it (it's impossible to overload on good bacteria) or keep it in the fridge. Hope you have fun!

Do a water change if the levels tell it's necessary. My rule of thumb is when Nitrates get to 25, i do a water change. If everything else is fine, I leave the tank alone. I tend to do just a 15% water change every week with R/O water, even if my levels don't get bad.

Have fun! :thumbs:
Thanks for your help everyone.

I live in the uk and my ph is about 7.8. The test kit i use is an (interpet easy test)
(Ammonia,Nitrite Nitrate and ph) not sure what you mean by (does your ammonia-test reacts with NH4+ too) I havent seen anything in regards to this in the instruction leaflet.
It's usually said on test package if it measure NH4+ too. Usually they do. How has made that test? (JBL, Tetra, Sera...?)

Because pH is over 7, there can be free ammonia in water so be careful with your tank and test water regularly. If fishes seem to behave odd, then do water test immediately.

I think BioSpira isn't sold in Europe. You could ask from you LFS. But if you don't find, try Sera Nitrivec.
The test kit is made by (INTERPET) and i cannot find anything on the box to suggest the NH4+ test so im a little confused :/
I don't know interpets products. Probably someone else can help you - does it measure NH4+ too or not...

Watch ammonia/nitrite levels, both should be zero.

And because you have only 3 small fishes in your tank ammonia level may be so slow, that your testkit doesn't recognize it and/or there is bacteria so much, that ammonia is oxidized to nitrite. But not enough bacteria to oxidize nitrite to nitrate. Try Sera Nitrivec to get rid of nitrite too..
The testkit does not do the nh4+too test.
Is that the test for ammonium?
And thanks again for your help.

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