Water Changing


Fish Fanatic
Jul 22, 2004
Reaction score
Eglinton, North of Ireland
When carrying out a water change the new water is added in increments of 10 litre buckets. The dechlorinator (Tapsafe by tetra) is supposed to be added as 1 inner capful for every 45 litres. Can I add 45 litres to the tank and then add th capful of tapsafe to the tank or do I have to add a quarter of a capful (Tiny amount-hard to measure) to each buckET???
it is best to add the small amounts with each bucket. or add declorinator to the tank first then water. but don't add water to the tank, then declorinate, if clorinated water is sucked up by the filter it could kill off your bacteria colony.
I usually add the chemical to the bucket to ensure there is no chance of clorinated water getting into the system and doing any damage. However when i use the python i add the chemical to the tank before i add the water. Hope that answered the question :)
Another question regarding water changes during a cycle with fish in the tank.

People recommend a 25% water change each day to keep the ammonia and nitrite levels in check, however surely these levels have to be allowed to rise a bit in order for the bacteria to grow?? Each time I have done a daily test for ammonia so far it has been less than 0.5ppm. Articles I have read suggest readings can peak as high as 6ppm. Will my ammonia and nitrite levels spike if the water is changed too often??
Yes they will spike but not as high as when fishless cycling. The 6ppm that you are reading about is during fishless cycles as this level of ammonia would certainly wipe out your fish population or at the very least cause burned gills and disease. You will have to be content with levels usually below 1 ppm for both ammonia and nitrite. When both of these get back to zero then you can add fish again but do it very slowly, 2-3 fish every 2 weeks max. Otherwise you will be right back in the same situation again. :p SO your levels are fine for cycling with fish and dont expect them to get much higher just wait for them to get to zero. HTH :)

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