Water changing


May 2, 2004
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England (Bedfordshire)
How would you say is the best way to change the 25% of your water? I wish to change it, but dont you have to climatise it, and deminerlise it and all that, and how can i do all that without it being in the tank, i cant afford to go out and buy another heater just to climatise the water, so how do you go about it?

Get a thermometer and measure the temp in your tank. Remove the amount of water that you want by using a syphon or piece of hose or something like that into a bucket. Empty the bucket. Then turn on your taps and adjust the temp to the same value as that in your tank. Add the declorinator as you fill the water into the bucket. That should about do it. Some let it sit then for 10 mins to overnight...not required. Then add to tank.
Some people let the water sit for a while after the dechlorinator is added. The amount of tiime varies but the letting it sit is not required as most dechlorinators are instant and take effect as soon as the water hits it. So once you have added the declorinator and the water is clear add it to the tank. Sorry for any previous confusion. :)
That ok, i will have to sort something out then, about getting a thermometer, i have to get one tomorrow... thanks for your help

I have a babies bath that I rest on top of my tank. I fill it up, adjust the temp, and stir the dechlorinator in. I then pull the plug and let the water slowly trickle in. It's slow, but at least the fish aren't hit by a wave of new water :) Don't know whether they like it, but they haven't complained yet :D
That's not a bad idea, the baby bath thing.

In my small tank I have to siphon the water in as pouring straight from the bucket would probably destroy everything inside. It's pretty mind numbing, standing there for 5 minutes as water trickles out, lifing the bucket as high as my arms (and siphon hose) will allow to speed the flow up a little.

When changing water in my 180l, Jewel suggest pouring it back into the filter housing in the corner. Not too practical as the housing is in the rear corner so I'd have to stand on steps leaving over the tank with a full bucket aiming for a housing which is about 3 inches wide. Tried it once, seemed to pour more water down the back of the tank than inside. Instead I just pour it in slowly, the guppies seem to enjoy it but they don't strike me as the most intelligent fish in around.

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