You should aim to replace about a fifth to a quarter of the water a week, so drop the level by roughly that much, if your tank is 300mm deep drop it by 70-75mm for example. Use your gravel cleaner as necessary. The water you put back should be treated with a good dechlorinator, and roughly the same temperature if you are going to put it all in at once, (some people let a hose trickle in the replacement water for several hours).
Put some tapwater in a bucket that you use for fish only, add some water from the kettle, when the temperature is right, dump in your dechlorinator and away you go. Repeat unitl filled again.
I'm assuming you are not using any special water like RO or whatever. I also assume you have a sensible stocking level, overstocked tanks require more water changes, either more frequent, or more water each time.
Remember, if when dropping your water level you will expose any electrical gear that should be underwater, heaters, powerheads etc., turn them off until the water level has been restored. They can be damaged running them dry.