Water Changes

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Jo and Gra

Fish Crazy
Jun 20, 2005
Reaction score
The UK...Essex!!!
About to do our first water change due to my fishless cycle FINALLY being done.....

do i have to heat the water prior to putting it in the tank??

do i need to remove the fish when water changing/cleaning?
No, don't remove the fish. I assume you have a gravel vac thing. Just stick it in the tank, start siphoning water out and cleaning the gravel. The fish will figure it out and stay well clear until you're done.

Yes, you should try and match the temp of the fresh water to the tank water as close as you can. I generally test it with my hand, others use thermometers. If you're using boiling water from a kettle to heat up a cold bucket of water, remember to dechlorinate AFTER you've put all the water in the bucket. Add dechlor to the bucket of fresh water, not to the tank.

Oh and if this is your first water change after a fishless cycle, check your nitrates aren't off the scale.

Edit, oh and remember, UNPLUG YOUR HEATER. Yeah. All the heaters I've had to replace, I could have bought another tank ;)
Def said:
Just stick it in the tank, start siphoning water out and cleaning the gravel.
As a general rule, you shouldn't vacuum the gravel when you do the water change after a fishless cycle. Since there haven't been any fish in the tank, there shouldn't be any waste to vacuum up and you could disturb the bacteria colony.

Having said that, since Jo and Gra used fish flakes to produce ammonia, it probably wouldn't be a bad idea to clean up the left over flakes.

Def said:
Edit, oh and remember, UNPLUG YOUR HEATER. Yeah. All the heaters I've had to replace, I could have bought another tank

Very true. I still remember the sound the first time I heard one of mine pop.
You should be good to go but I would do a few water tests just to make sure everything is going ok. As I said, you need to add the rest of your fish pretty soon or your bacteria will start to die off resulting in a mini cycle when you do add more.
That should be fine. I went through the same thing with my 75 gallon. Once it was cycled, I couldn't find all the fish I wanted to put in it so I just got what I could. I still want some blue rams but haven't found any that I though looked healthy. I guess I'll just go through the mini cycle when I finally get them.

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