water changes


Fish Fanatic
May 6, 2003
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Could anyone help, as mentioned in an earlier post ive got a three week old tank stocked with 6 giant Danio's
3 congo tetra's
2 sword tails
1 bumblee catfish
2 rams

in a jewul rio 180 litre tank. The problem is the tank is cycling and showing high levels of nitrate/ite about 25-50mg per a litre. I've been carrying out 25% water changes and ading 10ml of nutrafin cycle every day.
The fish don't look unwell they seem to be happily swimming around the tank the gills look health and their respiration rate isnt too high.

Could my daily water changes prolonging the cycling of the tank, should i leave the tank to cycle with out the changes.

I'm just worried about my fish, havnt lost any yet and dont want to.

Any ideas about whether i'm doing the right or wrong thing or should i start to take sedatives to stop me worrying . Its a shame cos the tank looks excellent, got some really nice bog wood , lush plants and cool fish.

Any help would be great
Dave p
Been a long time since I had a new tank, but seem to remember high nitrate levels being somewhat normal in the beginning. Know I never changed the water daily, and would be suprised to find that was effective. Once a week might seem more appropriate, although I'm far from an expert. Know what you mean with the worrying. Good you want to do what's right for your fish. Good luck.

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