Yes, I agree, in a sense if you have enough plants to absorb enough NO3 that -that- becomes a main reason for it being low then the NO3 level becomes -not- as good at telling you if enough water is getting changed.
To me, 20% seems kind of a small percentage to change but that could just be me. I try to change 50 or 60% during my weekly change because my water is soft and acid and I get the added bonus of getting some minerals that I need as well as all the good benefits of removing bad substances like trace metals and organics and algae and algae spores. But recently I figured out that I was getting some BBA (black brush algae) probably partly because of my large 50% water changes which will cause the CO2 level to vary quite a bit since I don't use pressurized CO2 in the tank.
Anyway, just goes to show that there are probably always going to be deeper levels of things to consider if you have the information available. I don't know, OM, where in the percentage range would you choose? I'm assuming you'd pick somewhere between 15% and 50% for the water change, but I'd be interesting to hear what you think.