Water Changes


Fish Fanatic
Sep 25, 2005
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hey guys, just wondering, how do you do water changes without adding water wich is too hot or too cold? My tank is only 50 liters so changing tempreture could be a problem.

well i always have a spar heater so when doing water changes i stick the heater in the bucket etc and wait for it to rise to the temp of my tank so this does not change the temperature of the water in my tank and the fish dont get as stressed. :good:
I do boil a kettle, but this is probably unnecessary fussing: it is easy to work out that a few degrees difference in 25% of the water is not going to make a lot of difference to the whole tank. Still, it's an excuse for a cuppa.
I've used a kettle to heat my new water (adding hot to a lot of cold), but now I just use the mixer tap to get aprox the right temperature, and add the water a little at a time. I don't have a hot water tank, it's heated 'on demand' by one of those fancy boilers, so it comes straight from the mains supply.

Add the water slowly. If the heater in the tank comes on, wait until it goes off before adding a more. If the tank water is moving well enough, I guess a temperature drop just enough to turn on the heater won't hurt the fish. I'm no expert though.
Another non-expert here :look: but I just add hot and cold using 'experience' to get within a couple of degrees and then a thermometer to guide the rest... Think that the fish actually enjoy it a little cooler sometimes too?!
Doesn't matter how close you are really unless your miles of or doing a large water change. Even if you were off by 8c on your water change and your tank was at 28c, that would only drop the temperature 2c which is standable by most fish, putting cooler water is better than putting in warmer.

Some fish do enjoy cooler water changes aswel, it helps to induce cories to breed for example. Just don't do it on very sensitive fish.

it helps to induce cories to breed for example. Just don't do it on very sensitive fish.

So approx how much cooler/what temp are you looking for cories then? I take it its the temperature differential that induces the breeding rather than lowering overall temp?

About a 2c drop i'd say so 28c tank, 25% water change with 8c water would do it. If it's a breeding setup for the cories i'd do it once a day or every 2 days to induce breeding.


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