Water changes

pls take a look at my thread this should give you all the help you need

leave water in bucket for 24-36 hours =fine water for your tank
or by water treatment from lfs and treat the water this will take it out

my thread on water
It is ONLY okay to not use a dechlorinator if A) you let the water sit out overnight or at least 12 hours. This will dissipate the chorine. AND B) your water supply is NOT treated with chloramine.

Chloramine is absolutely lethal to fish and will not dissipate, no matter how long you let your water sit. Your municipal government/city hall/whatever you have where you are? should be able to tell you whether or not there's chloramine in the local water supply.
aqua to me that really makes no SENCE being new to keeping fish i dont understand half that chlorimine ? never heard of it

why has this not been said by any other person

i think your trying to get technical about what i said due to past experience

this person like myself is new to fish keeping and wanted to know how to have safe tap water
if you also yourself follow that link you will see THAT I DID NOT MAKE THIS UP MYSELF BUT is what some 1 has passed onto me so i tried to help sum1 in return
out of 5 people that have replied to how to get CLEAN WATER
did not mention any thing about Chloramine ??
. AND your water supply is NOT treated with chloramine

dont understand where does this come from who puts it there ect ect
I think a lot of treated water (at least in my area of the US) has chloramines in it. The best way to dechlorinate your water is to go to your lfs and buy a dechlorinator that neutralizes chloramines too. Its easier than letting the water sit for a couple days and you can be absolutely sure to get rid of chloramines which will kill your fish. Its better to spend a little money to make sure that you don't kill your pets.
aqua just to update you

by leaving tap water 24 hours does completly take out chlorine

the only problem doing this it opens the water to other bacteria and fungus

Another way is to leave the chlorinated water in a container (preferably aerated) in the sunlight for about 24 hours and the water would be safe for aquarium use. The problem with this is that with the water exposed to the elements unwanted bacteria can enter into the water or unwanted chemicals such as fungicides or pesticides can contaminate it.

taken from a site
Fish and chips, some water companys may use chloramine instead of chlorine gas to treat their water. Chloramine will not disapate like chlorine gas does and has to be neutralised with a dechlorinater. It is lethal to all aquatic life and if left untreated wil kill all your fish.
I think fish&chips need to take some time out and sit in the corner........
:unsure: Well it looks like I'll keep treating my water since it contains chloramine. Thanks for all the input didn't mean to start an arguement. 8) B)

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