water changes


Fish Fanatic
Mar 8, 2005
Reaction score
hey there just a little question. When i do my water changes do i have to heat the water first before placing it in the tank or can i use warm water and add it in so it will heat up when in the main tank?
thanks renaldz
Is this for a marine tank?
If so you're going to need to heat the water to the required temperature outside the tank:
a) to reduce stress on fish/ inverts
B) so you can mix the water to the correct salinity before it goes in the tank
c) since you will hopefully using RO water this will be cold anyway.
Hi there hows you

For water changes I always heat my water simply becasue I find the salt dissolves better

But for top up I aerate the and tip it in, there was a lot of discussion regarding this on another forum and the vote seemed to be split regarding Top Ups anyway

So IMO -

Heated Salted Water Change
Room Temp Fresh Top Ups

B) B)
I generally go by the amount of water I am adding.
If it is enough to affect the temperature of the tank by more than a couple of points (centigrade) I will heat it up.
So for 20% water changes it is vital.
As long as you top up regularly with small amounts there should really be no need to heat the water IMO.
Agree with above...I warm my water for a 10% change. If I have stored SW and I lose some from the tank during acclimation of corals or fish and need to top it off by a quart or so, I don't heat it. SH

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