Water Changes And Silver Dollars


Fish Fanatic
Jan 23, 2007
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Philadelphia PA, US
so everytime i do a water change in my tank the silver dollars i have(6 of them) they freak out and keep running into things all throughout the tank. and i always feel bad cause they end up hurting themselves
any ideas as to scare them less? would leaving the hose in the tank help any?
i think i would be iclined to leave the hose in the tank for a few hours a day and do things so that they get used to you doing odd things,,,,,have you got good cover in the tank as in plants plastic or real :unsure:
i have 3 caves, 2 made of propped up rocks and one a fake log, a floating "moss" and a ton of plants all fake b/c of silverdollars eating all the live plants ive tried to put in there

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