Water Changes And How Often?


Fish Addict
Nov 14, 2005
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Well its kinda a question to see if im doing right but im also interested in wot u guys do for water changes.

So my turn over is about 45 times per hour with 40 kilos of LR and i do a 10% water change every 2 weeks. I dont run my denitrator any more just incase u remember me running one. Think that should keep above the nitrates and re plenish the water levels?

What you guys do?
Test NO3 and PO4 every week change Carbon and flos once a week, Phosphate remover as requiered. WC's 15% each month without fail or if the NO3 is 10ppm or more.
I think water changes depend alot on the size of your tank. My 25 gallon I usually do like a weekly 10% with water adds in between. I use RO water.
I do weekly water changes. I'm not sure how much water tho. I think im getting out 1-3 gallons per water change tho.

EDIT: And this is for a 30gallon tank :)
I do a water change when:

1) There is enough water, salt, et cetera on hand to do a water change
2) Whenever I can be bothered to do it (usually once every two weeks)

I harvest assorted "algaes" when:

1) The Cyanobacteria forms a bag-like skin over the substrate (it is fun to slice when in this form)
2) Company is coming
3) Whenever I feel that the tank needs it (I usually sacrifice tank aesthetics in favour of piscine well-being)

About 15% every couple of weeks. RO water and reef crystals heated with speare heater and powerhead, salinity checked to match tanks.

Monitor phosphates (changing rowaphos if it creeps up above 0) and ammonia/nitrite/nitrate/alkalinity/ph about once a week now. Was every couple of days at start up, but its stable now.
15% every two weeks, I test just about everything I find it fun... RO water ect.. the normal stuff...
10% every week, more to keep up with trace elements and vaccuum. I take care of waterborne waste with a really big skimmer w/carbon and dose for calc/alk/mg.
i do 13 litres [10%] weekly clean out my external every 2nd week when i use maybe 15 litres instead always use ro from lfs and ask them to check tds for me, just starting to dose cal weekly, day after water change,
i do a 10% water change every other week in an 88 uk Gal using RO water and reef crystals!

Change the carbon once a month, clean out the canister filter at the same time.

Gravel vac sparingly!

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