water change


Fish Fanatic
Aug 5, 2004
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How often is best to do a 10% water change in a 15G?
I have a 12gallon tank and do 20% every 2 weeks.

But, I have livebearers and they are mucky little monsters.
Yes, once a week, of around 25-30% would be good for the fishes... Gravel vac is also very helpful...
I have a 15 gallon tank, and I do a 20% water change every Sunday, which includes a gravle cleaning. For optimal tank health, do it as often as you can.
Well, you shouldn't put the plants in the tube... ;)

As long as you can move the tube around the tank without disturbing various objects including plants, you are ok... They look strong but they are not that strong... :lol:

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