Water change


New Member
Dec 16, 2003
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Harlingen, Tx
How do I go about changing the water in my Tank? it is a 10 Gal. and I am going to do this for the first time, and there are a lot of books that say only do 25% at a time. I thought I could put the fish in bags, and do it all at once?...I am confused!! I only have 2 Swordfish by the way
Once the tank is cycled, you should be able to get away with about 30% water change per week. Changing 100% per water change is really a bad idea. Do you have a gravel vac? You should buy one if you don't have one already.

I'm assuming you tank isn't cycled - get yourself a good water testing kit and monitor ammonia and nitrite. You will likely to be doing lots of PARTIAL water changes every few days until the tank is fully cycled. (i.e. no ammonia, no nitrite and some nitrate)
You will not need to remove the fish as this will stress them and is unecassary(cant spell).

As stated in last post buy a gravel hoover and a container for the extracted water.

Gently hoover the gravel taking care when hoovering next to any live plants you may have.

Wash the filter sponge in the extracted aquarium water and then add new water (treated with ammonia remover etc) to the tank.

P.S. Remember to turn the heater off if the water level is likely to drop below it!! :blink:
Yup, just syphon water out using that vacuum into a bucket (those 5 gallon pails work perfectly). dump it into the toilet, fill the bucket with water that is a similar temp. to the tank, dechlorinate it (do not use more then the recommended amount) and pour the water back in. Simple.

change 20 to 30% of the water and you will be fine.

With only two fish in the tank, you can do every other week no problem. More fish=more often.

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