Water change schedule


Mar 26, 2020
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Hello everyone. Hope today is finding you well.

I’m putting together a schedule to track everything easier on calendar. Need some assistance.
water changes- once a week , how much per week? 25 percent or 33 percent ?

the schedule will have all dates added to it. Water parameters , etc. but before I start marking my calendar I’m hoping I could get some advice as what to include on it.

thanks in advance.
If I do 33 percent every week is that too little ?
Yesterday did a 75 because my fish was acting strange so that will be recorded also when things like that happen.

would 50 percent once a week be suggested ?
Ok I will put that onto the calendar.

water parameters should be checked how often ? No real need to do it every day right ?
No need to do it every day unless there is a problem. Just every water change. I don't even do that because I am lazy lol
No need to do it every day unless there is a problem. Just every water change. I don't even do that because I am lazy lol
I was thinking of at least once a week , maybe the day after my water change. Is that too obsessive ?
I was thinking of at least once a week , maybe the day after my water change. Is that too obsessive ?
Not at all! I think I am just lazy
Not at all! I think I am just lazy
Haha well you’re right though if nothing is wrong then you don’t need to worry. But I’m just wondering if I should just let it cycle a day after water change and do a water check. Or if I should check the day before water change. . . Lol idk ???
Haha well you’re right though if nothing is wrong then you don’t need to worry. But I’m just wondering if I should just let it cycle a day after water change and do a water check. Or if I should check the day before water change. . . Lol idk ???
I think even doing it right after or right before is fine. You could even do one right before and one right after to compare if you felt the urge to do so
I think even doing it right after or right before is fine. You could even do one right before and one right after to compare if you felt the urge to do so
That’s true. What would you suggest?

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