Water Change Help Please


New Member
Feb 15, 2011
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i have 9 guppy frys that are 5 days old now, my tank was a fishless cycle for just over a month and i was only able to add fish in a week ago (2 fish,i have a fluval edge tank) they ended up giving me a pregnant fish :X i have removed the 2 older fish into another tank i have and have the fry in the fluval edge tank alone. Basically my question is how often should i be doing water changes, i have been told to do them a lot but how often is that, i was thinkin 25% every 2 days as the tank is very small. Also today i started feeding them egg yolk (small amount of egg yolk mixed with water and i dipped my little finger in the yolk and gave them a tiny bit) is that ok? i have read its good for fry but just want to make sure. Any advice would be helpful as i have never had fry before. You can check the other post i had the other day on my profile to see other stuff i have been doing in regards to the tank.
hi there
i have lots of little fry
i also have a small tank whilst my latest addition a 68 ltr cycles ready to put them in
i do water changes with a small syphon tube from bottom of tank every other day unless it looks quite dirty as i dont have gravel in small tank
as i find most babies get crushed under the gravel
i also use egg yolk for the smaller ones
how i made mine was to hard boil 1 egg
take the white off
get a ice cube tray fill with water then put that water in a dish and mush in the hard yolk with fingers as much as you can
then i strained the mixture dont worry about the excess yolk theres bound to be a little left in strainer
pour the mixture back into the ice cube tray and freeze
i brought a small spray bottle put ice cube in and added 50 ml of water shake well and spray in tank
1 spray should be enough 3 to four times a day
then return spray bottle to fridge it will last about 4 days but then starts to smell so throw it and use a new ice cube
works wonders my little ones who are all growing rather fast
congrats on the new babies hope all goes well :good:
i have 9 guppy frys that are 5 days old now, my tank was a fishless cycle for just over a month and i was only able to add fish in a week ago (2 fish,i have a fluval edge tank) they ended up giving me a pregnant fish :X i have removed the 2 older fish into another tank i have and have the fry in the fluval edge tank alone. Basically my question is how often should i be doing water changes, i have been told to do them a lot but how often is that, i was thinkin 25% every 2 days as the tank is very small. Also today i started feeding them egg yolk (small amount of egg yolk mixed with water and i dipped my little finger in the yolk and gave them a tiny bit) is that ok? i have read its good for fry but just want to make sure. Any advice would be helpful as i have never had fry before. You can check the other post i had the other day on my profile to see other stuff i have been doing in regards to the tank.

Sounds like you're doing well. Be sure to test the water with a pro test kit (API or similar) to make sure the stats are good. Water changes you're doing sound good.

I also feed my guppy fry ground flakes. I use a mortar and pestle and grind it to a powder, then feed a pinch to them several times a day, 3-4 times. It actually sounds like you added fish a bit early, but I haven't read your other post and perhaps you found yourself some established media to use.

Good luck, and welcome to the forum!

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