Water Bamboo!


Fish Crazy
Dec 3, 2005
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Houston, TX
The tittle says it all. I've already cleaned out my 25 gallon with bleach and everything, and I was thinking of starting a planted tank for my upcoming female bettas, using water bamboo like they would have in the wild. :D So does anyone else have this in their betta tanks? Is it easy for a first time planter? I think it would look fantastic when its fully done :)
I got bamboo just stuck in a vase...but wouldnt it hurt the betta? if you put it in with him?
I don't think it could survive fully submerged for a long time. It would probably live 1 to 2 months underwater, then it starts to rot --- not good for betta or any other fish for that matter. The bamboo you see in the wild have only their lower parts submerged.
You're absolutely right :)
But for those looking for it - just go to your local garden centre or B&Q. Cheap as chips they are.
It wouldn't be fully submerged...and I'm not thinking of regular bamboo. But I should research how deep the water its in can be. Since its a 25 gal...maybe I could only fill it halfway up...

But...this is going to be alot of planning to make it work. :|
I have seen peopel that have had huge water bamboos put into there tanks and they have lasted over a year so if you can find a big one it should last.

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