Water Aeration


New Member
Dec 21, 2003
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How do you guys handle areation in a salt tank?

I have an Ehiem 2213. I'm trying to keep salt spray and noise down, the spray nozzel is completely submerse in the water rather than above the water line.
Will this provide adequate areation?

I also have a limewood airstone with a Rena 100 air pump although I'm concerned about saltwater dropplets escaping from the tank. I'd like to eliminate saltwater stains in my living room.Do I even need to be using an airstone.

I did have a Hagen 402 Power head but it caused too much of a disruption in the tank. Bubbles everywhere, and you can't submerse the power head.

The tank is 45 gallons and is going through the initial cycling period. Nothing has been added to the tank except crushed coral and some live rock. I have a two part glass cover and dual flourescent lighting.

My goal is to have a fish aquarium with some live rock, perhaps a few pieces of coral. I don't intend to set up a reef aquarium.

Please comment if you can. Any suggestions would be welcome.

I don't think that you will even need the air stones if you have a powerhead towards the top of the tank. Maybe a penguin 1140 powerhead would be sufficient? Use a powerhead with a prefilter sponge on it though, so fish and little critters doin't get sucked into the impeller. As long as you are making ripples in the water with the powerhead's flow you will do fine. If you are going to use an air stone, I would use a smaller one and only use it if you like the asthetic qualities of the rising bubbles, I wouldn't use an air pump that is so fast that you get really large bubbles (the size of a nickel approximately)

How deep of a sand bed do you have? How much live rock do you have in the tank right now? What type of live rock is it?

What type of fish are you planning to keep?
In my 220G i dont have any type of airator in it but I get enough air mixed into the water through my sump and powerheads. the water comming up from my sump is connected to a say 3 ft long 1" pvc with a bunch of small holes in it and is placed at the top of the water to creat the ripple effect. works great.
I'm using a 25W general purpose aquarium lamp along with a Coralife Actinic, 30W 03 Blue.

The sane bed is may 1/2" to 3/4" thick, (15lb bag of crushed coral, agronite er whatever it's called ).Right now I only have once piece of live rock just to cycle the aquarium. Plan to get a little more shortly.

So your saying, surface water movement will suffice? I'd prefer just to use the Ehiem 2213 cause thje Hagen powerhead I tried really stirred things up in the tank. A little too much. I don't like the airstone much either and I head the the bubbles may get under the eyelids of the fish. eek.

I haven't quite decided on which type of fish. Preferabbly a tang or two, a clown, trigger fish. Probably 4-5 fish max. An anemome would be cool.


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