Watching My Fish

sami the cichlid

Fish Crazy
Oct 22, 2009
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i could sit ad watch my fish for hours!!!!! is there any1 else out there who does this? or am i a sad little 15 yr old who needs a life other than pets!
I've recently added a little shoal of Neons and I could sit and watch them for hours...I fed them tonight as the light was off and it was a joy to watch them swim around and gorge, lol.
Hello. No you are not the only 15 year old who could sit and watch your fish for hours. :D I watch my ghost knife alot and my other fish not so much. But thats only because I'm trying to get rid of my kribensis. My bgk is my favorite.
Better then being on the streets and doing crime
lol i used to have 1, beautiful fish, but it died
rite now i love watchin my oscar beg at the glass! i also love watchin the fry, so cute
That's too bad about your bgk. I've always wanted an oscar but my Mom won't let me because I already have 3 tanks set up at the moment and I'm trying to get rid of 7 young kribensis and a platy and black skirt tetra. Then I need to find somewhere for these guppy fry... Lol.
lol, i don tell my parents until they are setup....! thats how i ended up with 4!
Lol. That is sort of what happened with my black ghost knife. Now I have to upgrade my tanks with my own money unfortuanately. :) I have to buy the food and everything for them starting a couple years ago. I need a bigger tank so I'm going to talk to a neibour about buying her 96g when we move before my mom notices. Only problem is the transport. All the way out to the county.
that tank wud be awsome! i need to upgrade in a few years or next year but ill probs get rid of the rainbows for now.
You need to upgrade? Why would you need to upgrade from a 74g? How big do your fish get? I'm just asking these questions because I've never had any of them except for the pleco. I would also suggesting that if you upgrade put a black ghost knife in the 74g :)
Nothing more relaxing at night after a long shift than sitting next to the tank , throwing in some flakes or pellets and watching them go mad for it, nothing sad about that , is there ? :lol:
Watching my fish at night makes me fall a sleep so fast! It is so peaceful to watch them!

i sit and watch them, kev gets quite stressed with me cause i'll say "ooh kev look at this" and "kev whats this on this fish?" and his ultimate worst, watching me chase the same fry around the tank :lol:
i could sit and watch my senegal bichir eat bloodworms and dart up to the surface for air allllll day long!
my girlfriend is gunna lynch me next time she wakes up in the morning and i'm sat in front of the tank instead of in bed with her! lol :D

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