Wat Else To Feed My Clown Loaches?

bugzy 81

New Member
Jul 7, 2009
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hey everyone im new to this site. i hav 4 clown loaches who are well kept and healthy i feed them bloodworms and algae wafers which they love i hav also tried them wit cucumber and they went nuts and loved it. i was just wonderin wat else they like and can hav? thanks bugzy 81 hope to hear from u"s soon
Pretty much any vegetable/fruit (within reason e.g. a lemon or chilli wouldn't be a good idea) washed and blanched. Clownloaches love snails so some people have a jar tank for pond and ramshorn snails as they are rapid breeders with relatively soft shells. Cooked deshelled peas should be given once a week on a high protein diet to prevent constipation.

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