Wat Do U Feed Rtbs's?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 22, 2006
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my rtbs acts like a catfish sucking along the glass ect, bottom,

but i never seen him eat , i tryed flakes , bloodworms, he nips on catfish pellets but

they suck cus i have a rocky bottom so they drop n fall between the rocks and if i get lucky the'll be on the surface

well n e ideas?

I feed mine flakes, bloodworms and algae pellets though usually he'll only eat bloodworms. I also have some nice algae growing in the tank he seems to nibble on.
I feed mine flakes, bloodworms and algae pellets though usually he'll only eat bloodworms. I also have some nice algae growing in the tank he seems to nibble on.
Yea, mine just munches on flakes and worms. :good:
mine ate anything I fed the other fish. If he isn't catching flakes as they sink he has found another good food source.
Mine loves the cucumber I put in for my plec. They take it in turns as my rtb is tiny. As soon as my plec leaves it, my rtb goes for it and vice versa. He also eats bloodworms.
Mine eats flake, algae off the tank sides and shrimp/algae pellets. Doesn't like bloodworm though!
It will take some nipping at catfish pellets for it to actually get some food out of them.. takes some time for them to dissolve in water.. Sometimes mine would eat cichld pellets, but mostly only the catfish tablet thingies.
It will take some nipping at catfish pellets for it to actually get some food out of them.. takes some time for them to dissolve in water.. Sometimes mine would eat cichld pellets, but mostly only the catfish tablet thingies.
Mine loves bananna that i put in for my clowns.

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