Wat Do Shrimp Do To Clean The Tank?


Jan 21, 2008
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wat do they actually eat
i hav seen them clean up around the gravel
r they eatin the poo?
also do they eat algae from the side of the glass?
thanx :good:
i know amanos and cherries eat algae. they also eat all the invisible bits off the plants like small bits of uneater food and algae etc. they will scavenge the bottom and all the ornaments and wood. when i put some veggies in for the ottos and clown plecs they like that, cucumber or zuccini is good as it has a soft center.
amanos are great at removing rust from plants :) without damaging the plants , the clean anything that is stuck on the sponge on the internal filter , clean up any spare food and even clean my snails shells if they get any algae on them - my cherries and amanos have never cleaned the glass though
They basically ate algae and left over fish food. They don't eat poo.

I occasionally see my cherry shrimp clinging to the glass eating algae but they don't do enough to keep the glass clean.

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