wat are good loaches to cycle?

I don't no if there are any.
i must seem inhumane but i always use fish to cycle my tank. My swordtail has cycled like 3 tanks and will be going for a fourth and he sems to have no ill effects compared to the othr one that i didnt cycle with. At least no ill effects until the other one died.
Fishy411 said:
i must seem inhumane but i always use fish to cycle my tank. My swordtail has cycled like 3 tanks and will be going for a fourth and he sems to have no ill effects compared to the othr one that i didnt cycle with. At least no ill effects until the other one died.
Ammonia and nitrite poisoning in low doses won't have a visible effect, but it's likely that it will weaken the fish. The "ill effect" is usually a shortened lifespan.

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