Wasting Disease?


New Member
Feb 14, 2015
Reaction score
Tank size: 60 gallon
pH: 7.2
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 5
tank temp: 78-80 F

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):
My veiltail angel(Benedict) has not eaten in 5 days. He acts interested in food but never will eat it. I noticed white stringy feces as well. Otherwise he acts normal and swims around with my other 3 angels who have no symptoms.

Volume and Frequency of water changes: I change 80% once a week or sometimes 50% twice a week. I also vac my substrate during each water change and rinse my biofilters once a month.

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: I use prime during water changes and some times a stress coat additive.

Tank inhabitants: 1 blood parrot, 4 angels, 2 mollies, 3 guppies, 3 ghost catfish, 5 danios, 2 apple snails, and 1 mystery snail

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): none

Exposure to chemicals: none

I suspect wasting disease based on my research so I currently have isolated the affected fish and am treating with API general cure. He is on day 2 with the medicine with no improvment so far. I have never dealt with this disease or this medicine. Any advice or insight would appreciated. I posted on another forum and got no response so I have come here in hopes of getting some advice.
I would use a different medication. Metodinazole, the main ingredient, really needs to be fed to a fish not dosed into the water for wasting disease. General Cure is primarily used for treating external parasites.
Mt preferred med for treating wasting disease is Flubendazole. You can buy it from Dr. Charles Harrison here http://www.inkmkr.com/Fish/ItemsForSale.html and the directions for dosing is here http://www.inkmkr.com/Fish/FlubendazoleTreatment.pdf and his article on it is here http://www.inkmkr.com/Fish/FlubendazoleArticle.pdf
Thank you those links were very helpful. In your experience do most fish recover from this disease with proper treatment?
Just wanted to say my fish Benedict is doing much better! I kept using the API general cure since I had it already. He is now eating again(frequent small meals) and no more white feces. I just dosed him with one more pack of medicine for good measure and then will add him back into my big tank.

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