washing sand


New Member
Mar 28, 2005
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Erie, Pa. U.S.A.
I am setting up a 55 with sand and read in a post it should be washed. How do I go about washing 100# of play sand??? I thought about putting it in a pillowcase & rinsing untill the water stops running cloudy. Any tips or suggestions here?? Thanks in advance. Owen.
dustbin + hose pipe :)

keep swishing it about and jetting the water at it - leave it to overflow untill it is clear.

and then do it some more :)

get some filter wool for the filter too - it help clear what is missed.
I'm going to be trying the pillowcase idea for the next tank I do. But for my current one, I used the bucket/hose method mentioned by smithrc.

It took me ages to do the sand for my 10g, but I was pretty thorough. You'll probably never get 100% of the silt and dust out but it's definetally worth cleaning a bit.

If you do use the pillowcase method, keep us posted on how you get on.
Thanks for the replies. I think I will try both ways to see which works best. I will post my preference when done. This must be why the sand sold in the pet shops is so expensive. I may lose some weight in the process. Thanks again. Owen
I'm a lazy jerk hehe, my suggestion is get a python, fill up your tank, leave it running and just keep swirling the sand as it pumps in the good and out the bad. Whole thing done in under an hour!
it took me a good 30 minutes to do enough sand for my ten gallon. i cant imagina doin enough for a 55
I ended up filling a 5 gal bucket half full of sand in the sink and running both hot & cold faucets wide open and constantly mixing & stirring with my hands. The dirty water overflowed & I kept at it untill the water ran clear. It took about 2 1/2 hrs to do about 75# of sand this way :( I thought the pillowcase would clog like filter media so I didnt even try it, It may still work better I just didnt try it. If I do sand again I will hold out for pool filter sand, I hear it is alot cleaner to start with. Now I need some maylasian trumpet snails to keep it loosened up. I asked the lfs for some this weekend when buying fish and they claimed not to have any even though they were climbing all over the glass of at least 5 of thier tanks, I dont think the guy netting fish knew what they were. I will educate them on my next visit & get some for free. If they dont know what they are, They cant charge me for them :rofl:

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