Washing Sand


Fish Fanatic
Jun 23, 2004
Reaction score
Norfolk, UK
Ive recently bought some sand to put in my tank but how do i go about washing it without losing it. With my old gravel i would just fill a bucket up but with sand i can see it going out with the water?
i used to use a plastic kitchen bin and a hose.put the sand in the bin and fill it up just above the sand level and stir it all around.slowly tip the water out and repeat till the water runs clear :good:
yeah you will loose some of the sand, just do it carefully so you don't loose too much, i filled up a bucket about 3/4 full of sand, get the hose onto it, stir it all around and pour the excess scummy water off gently and carefully, just keep doing that until the water's clear :)
nowadays i dont even clean it at all i just put it in tescos carrier bags and drop them to the bottom them slowly tip it out.the water hardly clouds up at all and the filters take it out within an hour :D
nowadays i dont even clean it at all i just put it in tescos carrier bags and drop them to the bottom them slowly tip it out.the water hardly clouds up at all and the filters take it out within an hour :D

You must have much cleaner sand than the play-sand I have purchased...mine is so full of scum that it looks like a hot chocolate the first few times I dump the water while cleaning it...or either your method works that well!
you want to lose that stuff thats still floating anway.

thats the silt.

you jus want the heavy stuff that settles right away.

i put sand in a bucket, fill it with water and stir it up. then dump out everything thats floating in the water after about 2 seconds (so some does get a chance to settle).

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