Was I Too Quick In Complaining?


Spishkeys Turtle Rescue
Jun 20, 2008
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last week my platy tank had a terrible ich outbreak, so after looking up online what was safe to treat them with there cherry shrimp in there) i treated with esha exit and 2000.
over the next few days i lost some shrimp (there was over a hundred in there but now im hardly seeing any at all, 1 or two small babies if that?)
anyhow i fired off a letter to esha saying that even though online on their website it says their treatments are safe with shrimp, ive lost numerous shrimp since using esha etc
anyhow ive noticed the temp was a bit higher than i thought (thought id upped it to 28 but the thermometer is showing as 30.5!!)

would this temp maybe be the cause of their demise, not the medicine? im wondering whether to mail esha back and apologise for my email!!
My standard treatment for ich is to raise the temperature to 31 Deg C, but then again.... I have no experience with shrimps.... maybe above their tollerance levels???
that temp is ok for them hun i have them in my betta spawning tanks and they are 30degrees which raises on hot days and the shrimps are still thriving in there
so in my experience i would say it was the medicine
esha are extremely thourough! in the past 30 mins i must have had to answer loads of questions from them!!

"Thank you for your interest in our products.

We are sorry to hear that your shrimps died, and would like to find out what
happened. We hope you are willing to answer some questions so we can get a
picture of what happened.

Where , which shop, did you buy your package of eSHa 2000 and EXIT?
Did you have contact with this shop and if so with whom did you speak
What is the batch number of your package of eSHa 2000 and exit
why did you use the products? Which fish where ill
Do you know any of the following values pH, KH, GH, NO2 and NO3 from your tank
water as well as your tap water?
What temperature is your tank?
Did you use any water conditioners such as Aqua Safe, Stresscoat Easy Life
Did you use any other products before or during the treatment?
Which filter material do you use?
Do you have an UV filter , oxidiser or do you use any resins?
What are the dimensions/volume of your filter?
Where there signs of improvement when treating with eSHa 2000 and exit ?(did
the fish get well?)
How many drops did you dose on the 1st, 2nd etc. day?
When did you dose (morning, afternoon, evening)?
What are the dimensions of your tank?
What kind of filter do you have?
Can you describe the contents of your tank briefly, meaning what
fish/plants/shrimps etc. are in there.
What is the volume of your tank?
When did you notice there was something wrong?
What corrective actions did you take?
How long do you have this tank?
When have you changed water for the last time?
How many litres did you change?
When have you cleaned your filter for the last time?
Did you use any CO2 or other plant food?

Kind regards,

Sea Horse IPC BV
eSHa Labs"

then within 5 mins of replying to that i got this

"Thank you for your answers, we are looking at the info you send us.
There are already some extra questions we have.

Do you remember the name of the shop where the eSHa-2000 and EXIT came
from, even if it was through the Internet and kapaza.
Is there an aquarium shop which you visit regularly.

When did you notice there was something wrong with the shrimps?
What corrective actions did you take after you saw the shrimps were ill /
did you measure any water parameters immediately after you saw the dead

Where did the extra airpumps come from? Do you keep them as reserve? What
are the specs?

Kind regards,

my mind is boggling at some of the questions though..why would they want to know if i visit aqurium shops regularly? and when did i dose, morning afternoon or night..would they really make a difference to the treatment??
just trying to find another reason for the shrimps dying - as in your bad fish keeping regime - inexperienced keeper etc - i had the same from AZOO when i complained about a fish tank just splitting over night
am awaiting their next email and imagining the questions it will ask next. all i asked for was an apology and perhaps changing their 100% guarantee not to harm other life in your aquarium to a mild warning it could perhaps harm shrimp; not like i asked them to replace all the dead ones or something! now im stuck filling out questionaires for them!

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