Was bad tonight!! VERY BAD!


Mar 4, 2005
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New Hampshire
Well, tonight we went to the LFS to get my mother a betta for her office at work.
I had mentioned in another thread that our LFS has set up a new section for CT's and Hybrids, so my mother picked out the only CT left.

Well then we went to Wal-Mart to get some food and Start Right, and turns out Wal-Mart had just gotten a new shipment of Bettas in.... So yes, I had to look! And well, had to have one. I'm not sure what you would call is coloring, cellophane??

Anyway, I think Mother will be taking the Wal-Mart one to work, and I will be keeping the CT. Who knows!

Here are some pictures....They are currently still in their little bowls, but will be going into 1 gallon tanks tomorrow. Aren't they cuties???

The CT Boy:




The Wal-Mart Boy... What's his coloring?



OMG that white one is adorable! I've always wanted a pure white male. :wub: I went to the walmart about 20 minutes away from where I live since I was in that part of town and they are the closest walmart that has a fish dept. but they surprisingly didn't have any bettas. :-( That is the reason I went, to pick out a betta. Instead I got 3 von rio tetras and my brother got 2 cories. :thumbs:

Beautiful bettas though. I would keep the white one if I were you. :p
What cuties Kara! I love the white one too :wub:. I don't know anything about the proper color terminologies :p.
Your white one loooks like the Wedding fish people are selling on ebay for 8.00!! How much did you pay for him? He looks awesome. MM
Merlins_momma said:
Your white one loooks like the Wedding fish people are selling on ebay for 8.00!! How much did you pay for him? He looks awesome. MM
He was $3.47!

I might keep him, not sure yet. hehe :p
BettasRFriends said:
I think that male betta is either an opaque white or white. I'm not quite sure. How odd, the thing under his gills are black.
Yeah, I was hopeing to get him to flare, I bet with those black gills he would be stunning!

Holy crap, I'd have a REALLY tough time choosing which one to keep.
I'd keep them both.

The white one is spectacular - not a blemish on him of any sort.
I'm not used to seeing perfect fishes, you know. Most of mine have something wrong with them when I bring them home.

VERY lovely they are!!
;) I have a white one just like that one ... right down to the touch of color on his fins. The same with the gills. I got mine at the local LFS.
Love the CT. :wub:

I actually had a male betta the exact same as your white one.. he just recently died from a septicemia infection he had when I bought him.
But they're the same, down to the slightly cellophane areas of the fins and the black beard.

I miss him. :-(
They're gorgeous...I discovered that our walmart's bettas are all $2.43 now, which REALLY doesn't help the obsession. Luckily I'm getting paid for babysitting today, so knowing they're all in there won't kill me for too long...

I've never seen a white one like your new boy before...you're lucky to have found him!

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