Warning Signs - What To Look Out For?


New Member
Apr 23, 2007
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Hi all,

Following on from my first post about setting up my Aqua-One 600 65Ltr tank a week ago now.

I have plant life and 3 Leopard Danios. (See previous post for full set up info) Ammonia and Nitrite readings are consistantly at 0.1.

What should I look out for as early warning signs that something is wrong?

Thanks for any assistance and advise.

fair enough, wasn't clear from your post if you knew what cycling was or anything like that. monitoring the levels and water changes are the most important part.

in your fish warning signs are loss of colour, white/stringy poo, not pooing, looking bloated, red or white sores, loss of appetite, general lethargy, lying on the floor of the tank, one fish being picked on by the others, white fluffy growth on the fish, white spots on the fish, fish flicking or rubbing against the gravel/ornaments

umm probably more but that's a good start!
fair enough, wasn't clear from your post if you knew what cycling was or anything like that. monitoring the levels and water changes are the most important part.

in your fish warning signs are loss of colour, white/stringy poo, not pooing, looking bloated, red or white sores, loss of appetite, general lethargy, lying on the floor of the tank, one fish being picked on by the others, white fluffy growth on the fish, white spots on the fish, fish flicking or rubbing against the gravel/ornaments

umm probably more but that's a good start!

Great stuff, much appreciated

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