Wanting To Make A Sump/filter But Need Help


Fish Crazy
Feb 1, 2008
Reaction score
Hi there,

I am thinking about making a sump filter but am unsure how the pump/pumps need to work does anyone have a good plan and explanation as to how to do it, would like to have my heater and co2 reactor in it as well

Regards Darren
I am thinking about a refugium/sump for my marine nano at the moment. Have you looked at overflow boxes and Eheim hobby pumps.
not sure what they are, this sump thing is a very new concept but think it would give me more tank space.....I was looking to build it myself
You mention a CO2 reactor. Is this for a FW planted set up? If so a sump is note a great way to go as the action of the water going to and from the sump tends to drive off any added CO2 (not to mention the extra surface area for gas exchange).

The above does not mean that you can't use a sump with FW planted, just that it creates a lot of problems.
Hi Andy,

the design I have worked out I think I have turbulence to a minimum and am hoping that will minimize co2 loss

sumps are not a new thing. 15 years ago i built a sump with trickle filter and mangrove mud filter from some glass i aquired, i then built a cabinet around it with a 45x25x30 inch tank on top that was drilled in the corner of the base for an overflow. i fixed it woth standard plumbing pipe and sealed the corner with 4" of glass producing a surface skimmer and popped filter wool inside the new "triangle". i used a fluval 802 powerhead to pump the water back in. i had no other filtration and had zero nitrate after 6 months and no water changes in my invert tank. in the sump area after the mangroves i had the heater and above it all a triton and growlux lights that ran 24 hours a day.
ive recently got a new tank after 10 years without one and am surprised with all these so called "new" ways to keep fish. my new tank is a 2nd hand juwel 96 and ill be building a sump in the base with a trickle filter and algae den for the main filtration, i just need to find a large powerhead to pump the water back in. ill use an external filter siphon to get the water into the trickle filter and a mixture of plastic corrogated tube and pan scourers for the filter medium.

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