sumps are not a new thing. 15 years ago i built a sump with trickle filter and mangrove mud filter from some glass i aquired, i then built a cabinet around it with a 45x25x30 inch tank on top that was drilled in the corner of the base for an overflow. i fixed it woth standard plumbing pipe and sealed the corner with 4" of glass producing a surface skimmer and popped filter wool inside the new "triangle". i used a fluval 802 powerhead to pump the water back in. i had no other filtration and had zero nitrate after 6 months and no water changes in my invert tank. in the sump area after the mangroves i had the heater and above it all a triton and growlux lights that ran 24 hours a day.
ive recently got a new tank after 10 years without one and am surprised with all these so called "new" ways to keep fish. my new tank is a 2nd hand juwel 96 and ill be building a sump in the base with a trickle filter and algae den for the main filtration, i just need to find a large powerhead to pump the water back in. ill use an external filter siphon to get the water into the trickle filter and a mixture of plastic corrogated tube and pan scourers for the filter medium.