Wanting To Go To Australia ?


Fish Crazy
Jan 11, 2012
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Hi im 16 and i have been an applicant for brittish army for about a year now i did get defered for having a heart murmor but now i am goin back to do my physica/medical and if i fail this time i would like to do a fitness college program in australia but how would i go about doing so also do u get money ect if i had to get a rented house i would look for a job overthee wile studying aswell but if a dont get one straite away do they college giv u money ie goverment or anything like over here in scotland any info appreciated
By not being Australian citizen I think to go to UNI or TAFE here in Australia you would have to prove that you are able to support yourself. I think you would have to apply for both a work and study visa. As an overseas non- Australian you may or may not be elligable for the various government subsidies such as AUS Study, Rent Assistance, student concession cards etc. Your best bet would be to contact immigration department in Australia and ask them for all the information you require espceially since depending on your circumastances there maybe other ways they can assist you or point in the right direction.
Hope that helps a little

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