Wanting To Do This Fish Tank Right....:)


New Member
Jul 2, 2009
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So I've read/heard all kinds of conflicting advice for a planted tank and this is what I want:
Densely planted with Water Sprite, Java Fern, Anubias etc.
NO CO2 (been there done that lol)
NO algae :)

So...what kind of lighting should I get? I love all those flashy plants that need a ton, but I'm honestly ok with just the low light plants if it means I don't have to mess with CO2. This will be a 55 Gallon Tank BTW :)
Those plants aren't very demanding at all.

If you don't want co2 then I'd keep your lighting at about 1wpg and dose some TPN+ and they should grow fine.

If you keep your lighting at 1wpg co2 is optional and there are loads of plants you could get that would do fine.
I have a 15 gallon with one 15 watt bulb

Plants include anubias, different types of java fern, a moss ball, and some java moss

No CO2, no ferts

Plants are growing slowly, but little care required and it looks fine

The plants will get enough nutrients from fish cause they're slow gowing, unless you want faster growing plants I've heard liquid carbon is fine with low lighting

I now run two filters, 20X turnover, very little algae has grown since increasing flow.
I have a 15 gallon with one 15 watt bulb

Plants include anubias, different types of java fern, a moss ball, and some java moss

No CO2, no ferts

Plants are growing slowly, but little care required and it looks fine

The plants will get enough nutrients from fish cause they're slow gowing, unless you want faster growing plants I've heard liquid carbon is fine with low lighting

I now run two filters, 20X turnover, very little algae has grown since increasing flow.

hm..I know this topic is old-ish, but i wanted to know if you meant a 15 watt tube or an actual compact fluorescent bulb...I want to know if the bulb can actually grow some plants, because i have a canopy that only allows for bulbs, and i really want live plants.
hm..I know this topic is old-ish, but i wanted to know if you meant a 15 watt tube or an actual compact fluorescent bulb...I want to know if the bulb can actually grow some plants, because i have a canopy that only allows for bulbs, and i really want live plants.

Is your hood designed for incadescent bulbs? Like the screw on type? I've seen planted tanks with screwed on CFs, but you might want a CF bulb with slightly more wattage as CFs twisted around like that are less efficient. You'll also have areas of the tank with more intense lighting.

If you have this, you should be fine with tank hardys (Anubias, crypts, java fern, mosses, things like that).

Thanks for replying. Yes, my hood was designed for incandescent bulbs. I currently have two 15 watt CFs over it, and my tank is 10 gallons...should put in a bulb with a higher wattage? oh, and I have what is either a water sprite or wisteria in there.. will it be okay?
Thanks for replying. Yes, my hood was designed for incandescent bulbs. I currently have two 15 watt CFs over it, and my tank is 10 gallons...should put in a bulb with a higher wattage? oh, and I have what is either a water sprite or wisteria in there.. will it be okay?

Because the coiled CFs are not as efficient, you should be fine with two. Both plants should be okay, especially if planted where the brighter light is. It makes for unusual layouts because of the light spread. You will find in the future that you will be upgrading your hood to a standard fluorescent tube. :lol: Most just get sick of the light spread of the spiral CFs after a time and the limitations that it imposes on scaping. Standard fluorescent fixtures aren't very expensive. I run my 10g on a 2 x14W T5 fixture that was about $40. I only injected DIY CO2 for the first 6 months or so and then I was able to grow the plants fine without it. Granted I don't have very difficult species, but water sprite certainly isn't hard.

With the standard fixtures, the light spread is better and you have more options for scaping.


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