Wanting To Create More Movement At The Bottom Of The Tank...


Fish Fanatic
Feb 13, 2006
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I currently have a Fluval Roma 240 tank with 305 external filter, the tank is quite well planted and currently has the following stock

2 x Gold Gourami's
2 x Pearl Gourami's
1 x 3 spot Gourami
2 x Paradise fish
4 x Angel's
5 x Clown loaches
1 x Black ghost knife fish
18 x Glowlight tetras
5 x Black widow tetras

there is very little movement at the intake side of the filter (Located at the back left corner of the tank) but there is a nice flow coming from the outlet (located at the mid right, bottom of the tank) I also have a powerhead that was given to me by a friend, I've placed that at the top left at the front which seems to push the water quite well and hold the current until it hits the glass at the right side of the tank, now, at the moment the fish waste seems to just sit at the bottom, obviously I can remove most of it when I syphon water out during changes, but obviously I can't do that everyday so I'm wondering what would be the best way to achieve better water flow? another powerhead? or a stronger one located differently in the tank?


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