Wanting To Breed Otos


Fish Gatherer
May 7, 2010
Reaction score
i am hoping to get otos very soon when they get some in stock again.

I am wondering what foods should i feed them to condition them.
also will do cool waterchanges to the one going in my cory tank.

i know they eat: algae, algae wafers, cucumber.

i have got catfish pellets, frozen bloodworms and flake food also.

my corys are fed 3 different things daily to get them to breed. so it should be the same with these as i have read they breed in the same way.
i dont think you can breed otos in aquariums i think there all wild caught the only info i can find is on Otocinclus vestitus im not sure if these are the ones most lfs keep or not heres a link anyway

i have bred them in my aquarium, i don't know how, but did...

i have bred them in my aquarium, i don't know how, but did...

nice, my guess would be your planted tank as they love them :good:
ive read they breed like corys :hyper: just more rarely

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