Wanting A New Smaller Tank - A Few Questions


Fish Fanatic
May 26, 2012
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I currently have a 50 gallon aquarium

My plan is to get another aquarium under 125L, however I am tight on space for aquariums, so I am not sure yet. I have my eye on some AllPondSolutions aquariums. They seem to be reasonably nice and well priced. Does anyone have any experience with these tanks?

I will most likely settle with a 80L tank however. I really want to get this right the first time around. I would like a balanced, easy to care for, planted tank. I want to get the stocking right first time, and not want to change it half way down the line (Although I probably still will :D) This is the one I have found:


I think overall, it looks ok.

I am in the UK, so a lot of things I hear about are in the US. I am a bit confused by all the plant substrates out there for example. In my current set up, I have a fairly cheap one. What is a good option for plant substrate? With the lighting included in the tank, what plants would be nice? I am not setting up co2. I would like some more challenging plants, but I don't know how limited I am with the lighting etc?

Stocking wise, I like the following fish:

Rummynose Tetra
Panda cories
Sterbai cories
German Blue Rams
Bolivian Rams
Cherry Barbs
Lemon Tetras
Bristlenose Pleco
Red and Black Phantom Tetras
Harlequin Rasbora
Marbled hatchets

So would this kind of thing work:

12-15 x Shoalers - Rummynose or harlequins
8 x Panda Cories
3 x German Blue Rams
4 x Ottos OR 1 x Bristlenose Pleco
A centerpiece.

Is that overdoing it? Which would be better Rummies or Harlequins? Would a centerpeice over do it, if not, what would be a good choice?

Thanks, and sorry about the questions!
There are a couple of threads on here about those tanks, BigBruiserAl did a journal on his, do a search for it if you'd like to read it.
The general consensus seems to be the quality isn't great if you're wanting it to be a show tank.
For the best substrate answer ask on the Planted section, they know their stuff.
As for your stocking list I have no experience with most of the fish you like apart from Oto's & they don't do well in new setups, so I'd add those last once your tank's been running for a while.
Others will no doubt address the rest of your proposed stocking

I would probably add some of my mature ottos from my other tank once this one was established, as I have been really lucky with them :)

Slight change of plan. Have decided against going with a larger tank, but I think a Fluval Edge 46L would be nice.

What would be some good fish to keep in there? I have heard that bettas don't really work in them?

Would any of these fish work? (I am not saying to keep all of these in there!!)

Panda cories
Pygmy cories
Cherry Barbs
Chilli Rabsoras
Celestial Pearl danios
Henglii Rabsoras (Spelling?)
Sparkling gourami
Red cherry shrimp

Those are some fish I like, I know not all are compatible. What is the light on the 46L fluval edge like for growing plants?

Does anyone have anymore suggestions for types of fish that would be suitable and what are some good numbers?

One idea I had for stocking was:

5 Scarlet Badis
3 Ottos
3 malaysian trumpet snail
Red cherry shrimp

Does that sound ok?
I love sparkling gourami, they do great by themselves.
Or u could get like 6 coral red pencilfish
I love species tanks so ya
Hope it helps

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