Wanting A Betta


Fish Crazy
Jan 13, 2005
Reaction score
coatbridge, Scotland
hi peeps

im thinking of getting a betta.. I have a 4 gallon tank and as the tank is very large for just the one betta is there anything else I could keep with it... the betta isnt for breeding... im after small fish that I could maybe keep in a small shoal with the betta...

any ideas??
Well seeing as its too small for normal corydoras, maybe 2-3 pygmies might go in there or maybe one ADF (african dwarf frog) or maybe even a couple of ghost shrimp or amano shrimp :)
Generally its not a good idea since tetras are nippy, there are a few people that have had success with mixing the two type of fish but there are more people that haven't had success either with the tetras nipping the fins of the betta and stressing it out or the betta doing the same thing. Yes corys or ADF's are the only good tank mates but even then you have to be able to rehome the corys or ADF(which ever one you chose) or rehome the betta in case the betta starts harassing the other fish.
I have always found my boys too agressive to put anything in. Even corys they always seem to chase them.

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