Item Wanted - complete tropical fishtank
Condition Required - Good working order - dont care if has been used
Price Limit - £30 (But would like cheapest possible)
Picture or Link to Item - No
Location - Poole (But can pick up from local areas)
Im looking for a complete 4-5 Gallon tropical setup.
I have Sand or gravel so this isnt a big bother if you dont include it. Nor Do places to hide and little things for the tank.
Just looking for simply the tank, filter and heater.
If other things are included it would be easier for me.
can only pic up localy or might be able to pay small devilery fee.
PM me if you have one or know of someone that has one...
Item Wanted - complete tropical fishtank
Condition Required - Good working order - dont care if has been used
Price Limit - £30 (But would like cheapest possible)
Picture or Link to Item - No
Location - Poole (But can pick up from local areas)
Im looking for a complete 4-5 Gallon tropical setup.
I have Sand or gravel so this isnt a big bother if you dont include it. Nor Do places to hide and little things for the tank.
Just looking for simply the tank, filter and heater.
If other things are included it would be easier for me.
can only pic up localy or might be able to pay small devilery fee.
PM me if you have one or know of someone that has one...