Wanted To Keep Saltwater Fish For Many Years Now!


Fish Addict
Nov 28, 2011
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for so many years now i've wanted to keep saltwater fish, id give anything to be able too. i've only recently started in the hobby and at the moment im keeping freshwater fish and im happy with them but in the future hopefully not too distant i would like to take the plunge and become one of many that keep salt water fish, i've heard that its best to start with a larger tank, but i only have room for a small one, well the one i have at the moment is 64L and ive heard its harder to look after a saltwater system in a smaller tank, would you reccommend that i just go for it and give it a go, or do you think i should stick to freshwater ?
definitely go for it.... but before you do make sure you do a lot of reading and planning and make sure you know what your getting into, smaller water volume is definitely more difficult to maintain but it is more than worth the effort. Hit up the Marine Journals on the site here and you can learn a lot about what you need and what you are getting into, i believe there is even a section of journals organized by volume so you can read up on systems the same general size as you are looking at.

Just don't rush your decision. :)
thanks a lot mate :) i've been reading up as much as i can, on the internet though because i dont have a book about salt water aquariums, i know it may be difficult but i'll be ready for a challenge and just the beauty of a reef setup will be my motivation to work hard on it and keep everything going as well as i can so in the end i have a healthy lovely looking tank :) thanks for the help :)
Welcome to the salty side

One of the beat things would be to run a FOWLR setup (Fish Only With Live Rock) for a while as it's easier to cope with and gives you a little bit more play on the water parameters, run it with RO water as thigh you are running a reef then when your happy doing all that needs doing and the tank has had a while to mature start adding coral, just remember to take your time and not rush as that's where a lot of people new to the hobby make mistakes and don't be shy on asking questions, there is no such thing as a silly question round here :lol: just silly answers :lol:l
There are loads of fish, shrimp and crab species you can keep in that size tank! Maybe they arent so obvious and you will most likely have to search around/order/buy online... because nano fish are less stocked than a lot of others.

Best off always checking with someone else before buying a fish.. getting a fish back out the tank generaly means dismantling everything too :p

I am, eventually :p going to post up photos of my new Sailfin Blennies... they are AMAZING characters! And so bloomin nosy, they might not be bright colours but they make up for it!

And my shrimp and goby pair and my potential new wrasse :), my tanks a little bigger at 94L but the species will all fit :)

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