Wanted Thermometers


Apr 20, 2008
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Item Wanted: 2x tank thermometers
Condition: Required functional
Price Limit: £2
Picture or Link to Item: I would prefer the strips over the in tank ones
Location: Essex

Managed to damage my one and it only just works as I can see just upto 27C then its busted. Might as well get 2 as both tanks are attached via filtration but only one has the heater in so good to check for no discrepancies in temp
Ive got a brand new strip one, those that stick on the outside, still in packet if you want it?

Edit: No, I have two actually, Marina LCD ones. Both brand new in packs :good:
Ive got a brand new strip one, those that stick on the outside, still in packet if you want it?

Edit: No, I have two actually, Marina LCD ones. Both brand new in packs :good:

ooo ideal, how much do you want for them?
£2 for both and dont worry about postage, its just a stamp. Do you have paypal? if so, I will pm you the addy, just send it as a gift so I dont get fees to pay :good:
:S Got myself in a muddle somehow. Send me a pm with paypal details and I will send the cash. If you have anything else you might be selling then inclde it in the pm as I am setting up my new tank and intrigued by anything atm.

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