Wanted: Polypterus Species


Fish Herder
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
Polypterus ansorgii
Polypterus palmas buettikoferi
Polypterus palmas palmas
Polypterus palmas polli
Polypterus retropinnis
Polypterus teugelsi
Koliba bichir (Polypterus bichir sp. "koliba")
Koloton bichir (Polypterus bichir sp. "koloton")
Polypterus mokelembembe
Polypterus retropinnis
Price Limit: TBA
Postage: Yes or Local to me
Location: Barrow, cumbria . La14

After any of the above either local to where i live (within an hour or two max) or by delivery. Doesn;t matter about the size as i can grow them out in a smaller tank.

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not yet, haven't really asked him since, not too bothered about them at the moment as i know if i wanted one or two i could get them from elsewhere at any time, its the teugelsi im having problems with, pier just straight up said they can't help me with any african stuff, bas never reply to emails and none of the import sites have them, well none that i know of anyway, any ideas?

where would you put all them bichirs anyway, thought you just had the 4x2x2, you got a bigger one??
You could see if tropical imports have them ive emailed but never got a response, i'm hoping to upgrade in the summer time if i have the cash, most of those bichir's would fit in the 4x2x2 with the others providing theyre not silly differences in size. Only issue that can come along is filteration which i've taken care off and the odd bichir which can be aggresive but generally they all get on:)
fair play! yeah, i like bichirs a lot and do hope to have some what of a collection in the near future, thing is with me i hate having just one of something! also although i like bichirs a lot they aren't th main fish on my 'need to get' list just yet. i will definitely keep an eye out for any on your list, and if you find a supplier of any give me a shout too!
i wish bas would get back to me about the teugelsi, they got that big one so they must know where to get them from!
i really like the ansorgii you have listed but can't find them anywhere either, also like the retropinnis (that you have listed twice lol), but the same story!
alan at reef river had palmas on his list, and im annoyed because its not him thats unreliable, its the wholesaler, they send 'replacements' if what he ordered aint in stock, it annoys me, and if it wasn't for the fact i normally buy whatever they send anyway, it would annoy him. although he was going to send the bichirs back if i didn't want them, but i took them as i like them all haha.
just waiting on a flagtail from him now, and waiting for a new list of polypterus come through!
If enough people get together we could chip in to bring some nice poly's in from germany or the us, this place gets quite a few nice fish http://www.goslinea.com/Imports_AfEx.html and i have a full price list somewhere if i can find it only problem is they have a 1000 euro min order but on the plus side shipping is going to be much cheaper, faster and less dangerous to the fish from germany. As far as teugelsi goes dave the one Bas sold is now apparantley dead so it doesn't look like there are any left in the uk, although this place can get them:
so that was the only teugelsi in the uk? i thought there was already a few more, im sure i've seen them for sale in the uk.
never mind, well, as i told ben, i don't have the cash at the moment, but given a couple of months id have the cash to put my bit towards a big order to get what i want, i just wouldn't order until the teugelsi were available, and id want more than one, let me know if you get any further into this.
If enough people get together we could chip in to bring some nice poly's in from germany or the us, this place gets quite a few nice fish http://www.goslinea.com/Imports_AfEx.html and i have a full price list somewhere if i can find it only problem is they have a 1000 euro min order but on the plus side shipping is going to be much cheaper, faster and less dangerous to the fish from germany. As far as teugelsi goes dave the one Bas sold is now apparantley dead so it doesn't look like there are any left in the uk, although this place can get them:


Germany does seem to be the place to be for Polypterus's !
tropicfish.de has Teugelsi at 250 euro, i've emailed the guy but he said he has none in stock but should be getting some more imports in May or June time hopefully. I'm waiting a rough price for delivery back from him as he said he could post to mainland europe but didnt give a price.
Cant believe the one sold in the UK is dead , bet whoever brought it is gutted! it seems to be the holy grail of Polypterus in the UK so 250 euro is good for me.

If the place with a 1000 euro minimum order can get them and we all have the cash we'd hit that easily , id be happy to get the Teugelsi and a few other smaller species.

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