Wanted - Java Moss


Fish Crazy
Oct 15, 2008
Reaction score
Weston-super-Mare, Somerset
Hi Guys

I was wondering if anyone can help.

The plant selection in my LFS is little to nothing. I have a few pregnant platys. These will be my first fry and I want to add some more plants in my tank to help survival. I don't want to use a trap as I don't want to stress the mums and I know eventually I will be overrun so am quite prepared to let things go naturally. Like I said though I would like a few more plants just to give them a chance.

I really like java moss but any nice plants that arn't the usual common grassy things (pardon my ignorance but my LFS doesn't label plants so I don't know what they are called) would be really good.

I am obviously prepared to pay for the plants and for postage if neccessary.

Please let me know if you have anything spare I can buy.

Kind regards


PS I will post some pics of my tank when I get home so you can see what I have already got. Warning though. It is pretty bare and unimaginative at the mo!!!!
the Maidenhead Aquatics at the Wyevale garden centre near Thornbury (GL12 8HQ) has a pretty good selection of aquatic plants. its only about 25 minutes up the M5 from Weston :)
Thanks for the tip off attila. Is it a good place to go and have a look around. Its the anniversary on the weekend and boyfriend has asked me what I want to do. Some new fish and plants or a romantic stroll and a diamond ring. Tough choice. I'll take the fish!!!!

Tacklebury, I will be in touch

If anyone else has any nice plants, please let me know.

Kind regards

Thanks for the tip off attila. Is it a good place to go and have a look around. Its the anniversary on the weekend and boyfriend has asked me what I want to do. Some new fish and plants or a romantic stroll and a diamond ring. Tough choice. I'll take the fish!!!!

Tacklebury, I will be in touch

If anyone else has any nice plants, please let me know.

Kind regards


Hi Cindy,
Is this for the bowfront from Newport? If you can pick up from Bristol I have two pieces of slate with java moss covering them that you might be interested in - just in case it bothers you though, they do have snails hiding them
Hi Max

Yes it is. I'm so pleased with it.

The snails don't really make that much difference. A few have found their way in there so I will be riddled pretty soon anyway!! In saying that I have just ordered some moss and other plants off ebay but as you can see my tank needs filling out a bit so could probably do with a bit more!! Where abouts in Bristol are you? I go through the Bedminster area quite often. How much are you looking for?

Cindy :)
Wow, that thing cleans up pretty well! Glad you're getting good use out of it. How would you feel about a tenner for the two pieces? They're both about 10x5". I'm in Redland sort of area, up by the downs.
Hey Max

Sorry I've only just come back to this thread. One of my colleages gave me a small carrier of java moss yesterday so I don't think I'm going to need any for a while!!! I also ordered some other plants on ebay so the tank will look very different after the weekend.

The tank is amazing though the front is a bit scratched but you can't tell at a distance. I also managed to pick up the stand at Blagdon for half price so I'm a very happy girl.

If I hear of anyone else that needs some slate, I will send them your way.


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