Wanted: Java Moss And Other Plants


Fish Crazy
May 10, 2009
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hi guys
after some java moss and other undemanding plants
decent light, but no Co2 or ferts
can pay on friday via paypal

Hey I've got a small piece of wood with java moss attached to it...
I can get a pic sometime if you like. But it's pretty basic, a small piece of wood (3-4") with moss attached. Could arrange some sort of swap?
Or if you just wanted moss I don't mind removing it from the wood and just giving you a ball of moss...so long as you can collect ofc. I'm not sure how much is actually on it. How much were you after?
if you could take a picture it would be great :).
what would you like to swap? or how much would you be after for the wood and moss if you sold it.
would happily collect
I will do, don't know when though cause I have to go across town obviously. So if you bought something in the meantime then I wont be offended. lol.

And swap for...other plants if you have any? Ermm slate/stone... not sure really.
I was thinking £5 if the wood comes with it, it's only a relatively small piece of wood but it is really good quality mopani. :nod:

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