Item Wanted 6-8 female guppies
Condition Required Healthy
Price Limit Offers
Picture or Link to Item It will help So yes please
Location Poole
I have a 2 female to 4 or 5 male ratio and need some more females. Not bothered with colour but would like some different coloured and not all the same. I can collect to local ereas or on bus route or can pay postage... Rather then be local though.
Item Wanted 6-8 female guppies
Condition Required Healthy
Price Limit Offers
Picture or Link to Item It will help So yes please
Location Poole
I have a 2 female to 4 or 5 male ratio and need some more females. Not bothered with colour but would like some different coloured and not all the same. I can collect to local ereas or on bus route or can pay postage... Rather then be local though.