I'm looking for a fish tank only 48"Long x 24"Height x 12"Width, I don't require a stand, hood or any equipment.
Must be in good condition, definitely watertight with no scratches or very minimal ones.
Not looking to pay too much, or will swap with the tank I have now which is a 48"L x 18"H x 12"W Clearseal one.
I live near Manchester, but we are willing to drive to pick up a tank but not mega far.
*Edited size in the heading and the post from 15" width to 12" width*
Must be in good condition, definitely watertight with no scratches or very minimal ones.
Not looking to pay too much, or will swap with the tank I have now which is a 48"L x 18"H x 12"W Clearseal one.
I live near Manchester, but we are willing to drive to pick up a tank but not mega far.
*Edited size in the heading and the post from 15" width to 12" width*