Want to try something a little different


I'm trying really hard to act normal
Feb 28, 2003
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I bought dried seaweed the other day for my big tank, so I thought I would see how the bettas took to it.

My bettas just loved it! I think they liked "attacking" it as much as eating it. Just thought I would share. :D

P.S. My gouramis loved it as well!

Mine like frozen seaweed, I have some of the dried stuff but I never tried it. Exiled made a post about how she feeds her community dried seaweed here

I was impressed but I still haven't tried it .
It's quite a sight...two of mine (my chocolate (Henry) and my butterfly (?) (Valentine)) both intimidated the furocious seaweed by flaring at it before the deadly strike. :rolleyes: :lol:
If you REALLY want to try something a little different, lol, my son's friend says his University class taught their Betta to literally jump through a hoop held up above the aquarium water. I gather they trained him by using a mirror the other side of the hoop so he thought he was attacking a rival. Yeeesh........... :rolleyes:

SnowyZMom B)

p.s. Bettas attacking ferocious seaweed is giving me quite a chuckle. Wish we could get it here.

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