Want To Start A Marine Tank


Fish Fanatic
Jan 4, 2009
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hi i have posted a few times but each time change my mind but i am now set on getting a Fluval Vicenza 180 and making my own stand so i can put a sump under the tank and hide the equipment the tank comes with 2 x 25 watt T5 Canopy lights with timer. i am going to put i about 25kg of live rock with live sand will this be ok for my stock i want not sure of numbers if some one could help with this aswell it will be Appreciated this is the stock i am wanting to get

clown fish 2
dwarf flame angel 1
humbug 1
Royal Gramma 1
turbo snail ?
blue legged hermit crab ?
and some shrimp dont no what sort or how many
mushroom corals
button polyps

does this sound good thanks for looking
Seems fine except for the humbug these can be very very nasty which type of clowns ?
hi i have posted a few times but each time change my mind but i am now set on getting a Fluval Vicenza 180 and making my own stand so i can put a sump under the tank and hide the equipment the tank comes with 2 x 25 watt T5 Canopy lights with timer.

:hi: back Shrew :good: sounds like a nice set-up - does the 180 mean it has 180 litres?

i am going to put i about 25kg of live rock with live sand

Can confirm when I know the litres in the tank. Don't bother with 'Live' sand just buy aragonite

will this be ok for my stock i want not sure of numbers if some one could help with this aswell it will be Appreciated this is the stock i am wanting to get

No problem, I am assuming the tank is 180L

clown fish 2

Its got to be done :good:

dwarf flame angel 1

Have been know to nip corals, but some don't, fine for your tank

humbug 1

:no: Humbugs, can be nasty little things and wouldn't have with your other damsels (the clowns)

Royal Gramma 1


turbo snail ?

go with four to start

blue legged hermit crab ?

Go with two to start

and some shrimp dont no what sort or how many
Well, a pair of cleaners would be nice, but if you are going to have corals they can be a pain! I had a pair of bloods, but they are shy. I have about four peppermints, but again they are shy and only really come out after lights out - so you need to decide why you want them and then choose

mushroom corals
button polyps


does this sound good thanks for looking

Looking forward to your journel

Seffie x
thanks Seffie yeah the tank is 180l its the one that is pre drilled in the back right corner so i will make a weir and use them to take water to the sump and just have the return over the top of the tank now all ihave to do is start saving will be worth it in the end
It will indeed :good: half the fun is in the planning

and yes, 24k is a good amount for your tank

Seffie x

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