Want To Re Do Tank


Fish Fanatic
Jan 4, 2009
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this is going to be long the tank is 128x45x45cm i was thinking of dividing a strip along the back and build a shelf 10x10cm the length of the tank for plants and bamboo. leaving the floor bare untill i get some moss(any suggestions) to cover the floor. i will be putting in bog wood and plastic pipes for hides i have fish in the tank at the mo i want to keep my rtbs and my common plec i am looking for suggestions on stock,plants/moss and if you think the tank setup will work thanks for looking.
well well well no replys to one of my topics again you lot must of forgotten how to type words well thanks for nothing
look, its not that we've forgotten how to type, just we don't know or havent seen it yet. i don't know much and don't want to advise you wrongly. i apologise that i gave that impression on you. just bump it up next time :good:
I also originally read your thread here and didn't have any good advice. I can tell you I'm interested in this shelf dealy your working on could be very cool.

Moss would look very good as ground cover as long as the plec doesn't rought it up too much in its early stages.

All I can say to grumpy posters :angry: ... lol :rolleyes:

Good luck with the tank :good:

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