Want to Post me ur Tank?


Fish Fanatic
May 2, 2004
Reaction score
I would appreciate it if people wouldnt mind posting theris tanks in here for me?
Please :sad:
Actually, we've got a whole section of the forum dedicated to pictures of member's tanks and fish. It's called Member's Aquarium Pictures - You'll find lots of neat pics in there. Here's a link to a pic of my little 6g to get you started...
do you have a tank to start with?
if so what size?

i have two 20 gallons and a 10 gallon, then 3 bowls
here are my tanks:
*i don't suggest you put an angel in a 20gallon, mine was an acception with a larger tank n the way :) *

20 Gallon Community:
1 Marble Angel (Alfred)
3 Platy (Zorro, Daisy, Cinnamon)
1 Female Betta (Xena - pronounced Zeena)
2 Bronze Cory (Big Momma, Mr.T)
1 Peppered Cory (Dr. Pepper)
1 Spotted Cory (She Hulk)

20 Gallon Semi-Aggressive:
1 Blue Gourami (Big Blue)
1 Golden Gourami (Bling-Bling)
1 Neon Dwarf Gourami (Poe)
1 Flying Fox (Fox - very original)
1 upside down catfish (Martha Stewart)
2 khuli loaches (Lenny, Carl)
*looking to get a blue german ram*

10 Gallon
(breeding tank)
keeping Effrum the white cloud and 2 baby white clouds in
as they will not harm any fry

2 Gallon Jar:
1 male betta
(Surly Joe)

2 Gallon Jar:
1 male betta

2 Gallon Bowl
3 Ghost Shrimp
(Larry, Curly and Moe)

Most reactions
