Want to make your water look blue?


Fish Crazy
Mar 10, 2004
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Hi i was at school today and we was working with perspecs in Product design.

So i thought if i got a blue peice of perspecs it would look good if i lay it on the ledges where the lid sits on the fish tank.So i asked my teacher and he said sure here take this piece so i did. :D
I got home and went in to my bedroom and layed it on the ledges yes it fitted :)
so i turned my light on and it looked amazing i unplued my light.After a while i went to look at it now it was a bit darker and my light bulb went in my tank :blink: so i didnt get to see it that good but its a cheap way to make water look blue. :D
Why dosent any 1 reply to this thread? :S

oh and i got a light after school today my tank looks great :D

Im very happy for how good it looks and it was free. :D
Why dosent any 1 reply to this thread?

theres not much to reply to apart from, sounds good etc ;)


sounds good, any pics? :D

ste :)
i just used a blue background and one of my friends came over (the one i bought the tank from) and said "wow how did u mAke ur water blue" :shifty: sure fooled him
Just wandering but i read that blue light tends to decrease the lifespan of the fish you are keeping and should only be used if for a few hours or so between the lights on and the lights off

Is this true
can't see it making much difference. UV light would definatly kill the fish-shortening its life span but not just blue light, after all, red light etc if filtered out at a few meters (don't ask how many) but most fish in the ocean live in "blue light" most of there lives.

ste :)
red light etc if filtered out at a few meters (don't ask how many

For anyone who's interested: at 15 feet all the red light is absorbed.
I know how to make your tank look blue, put methodyne blue in it. I wish I never had, I was trying to treat my poor fish and so I added it (about 6 months ago) after 600 water changes my tanks now only stained blue :/

VCG :fun:

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